In an attempt to cleanse my sole, I gave up social media for Lent. I just came back on it yesterday. Part of me enjoyed not being tied to something or addicted. What did I miss? Not a lot really. It's nice to be back on but I don't want it to take over my life so I'm restricting my social media time. I shall look briefly at the beginning or the end of the day. Also, I've not put Facebook back on my phone, only Instagram. That way I can still post photos without getting sucked in to Facebook. You know the way I mean? You look at one thing, then it leads you to another, then something else and before you know it you've been on for more than an hour. So I've decided I want to be a better blogger - I've blogged on and off for a while now but without much success. Partly due to the fact that I forget about it for a while and then I suddenly remember to write something. This blog has been a bit of a holiday diary, a place to have a moan and even somewhere to confess and then make a claim that I will do better at something. Will I? Only time will tell I suppose. So I must now get on, as I have the next assignment to write for my course. It's nearly done though. Hopefully I'll finish it today. Fingers crossed and all that.
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