Lockdown Routine

It's been well over a week now since Lockdown and I have managed to develop a bit of a routine that seems to be working.

8.00am - get up - a lot later than my normal working day, but I am sleeping well and sleep is good for your immune system and body recovery.  Potter about for a bit.
9.00am - Joe Wicks PE workout.  OK, I have no young children requiring homeschooling but the work out is 30 minutes of HIIT and I am working hard, sweating and feeling the benefits.
9.30am - cool down, have some breakfast and a decaf coffee.  Another thing to avoid when you are trying to remain healthy is caffeine.  I've been drinking decaf for nearly a year now.
10.00am - going and do a bit of work, check emails, write this blog (if I am posting one), check social media.
10.30am - shower and get dressed.  I am putting on proper clothes, not staying in sweats or PJs but actually getting dressed.  Sometimes I only brush my hair and tie it back but other days I put my make up on and actually straighten my hair.  Read my bible reading and listen to some music for a bit.
11.30am - back to work.  I have loads I want to achieve in this time off.  I am in touch with students and fellow teachers, ringing parents to check they are fine and various other tasks.  Re-writing curriculum resources and plans.  Annual review reports.  Lots to do.
1.00pm - lunch break.  Usually with Alice who is home from uni.  Tidy up the kitchen and do a bit of laundry too.
2.00pm - back to work.  Same as above.  I might stop for a coffee break or something mid-way through but it depends on how I am feeling.
5.00pm - stop work and leave the home office.  It feels like I am actually leaving work if I do that and it means I stop and switch off.
I will make tea, sit and watch some TV, scroll through social media, skype my mum and dad or Katie or friends.  Keeping in contact is so important.
10.00/10.30pm - around this time I will start thinking about going and getting ready for bed, cleansing my face, relaxing and starting to wind down for a restful nights sleep.

Weekends will be different but this is my Monday to Friday routine and it is working.
